BGMA joins the Sustainable Medicines Partnership
YewMaker, the executive lead of the Sustainable Medicines Partnership (SMP), is announcing that the British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) has joined as a founding Collaborator.
The SMP is a not-for-profit private-public collaboration executing projects to make the use of medicines more sustainable and less wasteful.
The BGMA represents the generic medicines industry in the UK, which saves the NHS £15billion annually via competition. This means the UK benefits from the lowest medicines prices in Europe.
In its collaboration with the SMP, BGMA will represent and facilitate engagement with its members in Projects to reduce the environmental impact of medicines manufacture, packaging, distribution, and destruction.
“Our member companies are committed to protecting the environment. Partnering with the SMP will enable us to play a leading role to reduce medicines waste and help the NHS achieve its goal of having net zero carbon emissions by 2045.”
“We are delighted to have the BGMA join us. As the makers of four out of five medicines dispensed by the NHS, their members can make a real difference to reducing medicines waste, and to making medicines more sustainable. We look forward to working with them.”
Posted 07/09/22
About the Sustainable Medicines Partnership
The SMP is a not-for-profit, private-public, multi-stakeholder collaboration. Through executing priority actions, the Sustainable Medicines Partnership aims to stop the avoidable waste of medicines and medicines packaging - reducing healthcare emissions and increasing health equity globally. Learn more at
About YewMaker
YewMaker builds science-based, scalable concepts and solutions that make healthcare more sustainable. YewMaker is the initiator and executive lead of the Sustainable Medicines Partnership. Learn more at
About the British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA)
The BGMA is made up of members of the generic manufacturing supply industry, who between them account for approximately 85% of the total UK generic market by volume. A key feature of the strong generics industry in the UK is that it introduces competition to the supply of prescription medicines making them more affordable to the NHS and enhancing their availability to patients.
According to NHS figures (NHS Digital), more than a billion items are prescribed generically every year. The competition provided by generic medicines saves the NHS around £15billion annually. Learn more at