PAGB joins the Sustainable Medicines Partnership
YewMaker, the executive lead of the Sustainable Medicines Partnership (SMP), is announcing that PAGB, the consumer healthcare association has joined as a founding Collaborator.
The SMP is a not-for-profit private-public collaboration executing projects to make the use of medicines more sustainable and less wasteful.
PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, represents the manufacturers of branded OTC medicines, self care medical devices and food supplements in the UK.
In its collaboration with the SMP, PAGB will represent and facilitate engagement with their members, with a first focus on the development of inclusive, accessible, digital medicines information.
“PAGB is keen to support the UK consumer healthcare industry to deliver environmentally sustainable self care. As part of this, we are delighted to be joining the Sustainable Medicines Partnership and look forward to working with our members to fully realise the vision of making medicines more equitable and sustainable.”
“Over-the-Counter medicines is a large and growing market that every sustainable medicines strategy must encompass, so we are delighted PAGB have joined the SMP, and we look forward to working with them and the companies they represent.”
Posted 07/09/22
About the Sustainable Medicines Partnership
The SMP is a not-for-profit, private-public, multi-stakeholder collaboration. Through executing priority actions, the Sustainable Medicines Partnership aims to stop the avoidable waste of medicines and medicines packaging - reducing healthcare emissions and increasing health equity globally. Learn more at
About YewMaker
YewMaker builds science-based, scalable concepts and solutions that make healthcare more sustainable. YewMaker is the initiator and executive lead of the Sustainable Medicines Partnership. Learn more at
About PAGB
Established in 1919, PAGB has a long and distinguished track record as the industry self-regulatory body ensuring balanced and responsible marketing of self care products.
This includes checking our member companies’ advertising to ensure it is responsible and not misleading, maintaining a fair and positive regulatory environment that encourages product innovation, and promoting the contribution that self-medication can make to people’s health at no cost to the NHS. Learn more at